Personakt Antavla

Johannes Jonson Frøland

Blev högst 90 år.

Far:Jon Gunleikson Frøland (1852 - 1939)
Mor:Ingebjørg Olsdotter Frøland (1864 - 1954)

Född:1896 Telemark fylke, (Norge). [1]
Död:1986 (Norge). [1]

Barn med Margit Gunleiksdatter

Kvinna (Ingen namnuppgift)


Johannes and Margit were second cousins.

Family have country house on garden, Johannes and Margit (slutta) with expensive last on 1950 - (talet), floor in the valley (er tungdriven), but the become (slege noko) tall for saddle. The was a little logging. In 1977 they sold (delar) of floor in the valley in (dalbotnen) down for house in Hjartdal municipality, as let area out to (bustadfelt). The got namnet Frolandfeltet.


[1]Jackie Hufschmid i Wisconsin